Solutions for Law Firms

Optimize Client Services With Proactive Data Management And Efficient EDiscovery Solutions

We assist Law Firms throughout the entire EDRM process 


Speed up project execution and document review while discovering, organizing, and redacting relevant case data effectively

Managing multiple document review projects can be overwhelming, especially when your clients’ data is decentralized, disorganized and has never been culled.

Optimize discovery

Get more for your time and money, maximize data visibility, protect your clients’ data and scale your law firm!

Flexible Pricing Structures

Secure scalable cloud technology

Actionable project management monitoring

Proven workflow processes

Consultative project managers

Multiple processing and review software platforms

Did you know?

of clients would stop doing business with their firm if their data was compromised
0 %
more expensive to acquire a new customer than retaining one
0 %
of organizations rated complexity as the top barrier to adequate data security.
0 %
of clients likely tell others about their negative experience
0 %
GDPR pulled up on a laptop

keep up with changing compliance regulations

Take worry out of security and compliance

From global privacy regulations to industry-specific requirements, compliance regulations are becoming complex and prevalent across different markets and industries. You need to know what data you have in order to protect it and reduce the risk to your firm.

At Modus, we help you track what personally identifiable information you have on your customers, partners, and employees, to store it securely, and to optimize data access to prevent threats and manage security risks. A comprehensive information governance strategy also ensures that relevant data is easy to locate and present for compliance purposes.

Discover Modus

Partner with Modus

We are a team of Information Governance specialists and Legal experts intent on advising and assisting organizations to control their Electronically Stored Information (ESI) and associated eDiscovery processes. Modus brings together people, processes and technology in concert to help you meet your compliance and eDiscovery challenges.

We can help

Our Solutions

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